TBM Brake Calipers & Grothus Dragbikes
To say we are excited would be an understatement! We have Drag bike specific brake calipers designed by automotive engineers for the two-wheeled racers now! Take a look at what we have done to add to our offerings of brake components!
When Bradley & I spent a day with Sandy Kosman in Portland a few years ago, he mentioned that he was surprised that PMFR didn't have a more robust brake component offering based on all the other quality components they manufactured.
I understood what he was saying and decided at that time to make a conscious effort to improve the Grothus Dragbikes brake component offerings. It was then that Sandy gave us permission to improve upon his snap-ring style brake rotor design and that's exactly what we are doing now.
We have over 100 new brake rotors on order which we will mate with our custom hangers. A few days ago, we received two samples of the 8.5" & 10" rotors and are ecstatic about them!!
So, keep an eye out for all we are doing regarding our brake component offerings in the near future as we are striving to be the best when it comes to supplying the 2-wheel Drag racing world!